October 7, 2024 Artistic eroticism, Internet and virtual life
A photo without a story is just a collection of pixels on a screen.
Avatars and photos. There are millions of beautiful but empty avatars on the Internet

A photo without a story to tell is just a collection of pixels arranged on a screen.
Just as an avatar that is aesthetically pleasing but has no soul is empty.
What makes the difference is how we, with our minds, with our experiences, with our values, manage to fill that void by bringing in a bit of ourselves : our history, our joys, our passions, and sometimes even our sufferings.
On the Internet you can find millions of beautiful but empty avatars, created by people who have nothing inside them, like people you can meet one night and the next day you do not even remember their face or name.
Similarly, there are millions of photos that are technically perfect but communicate absolutely nothing.
At this point, the question arises : is it better to interact with beautiful but soulless avatars, managed by those who have no inner qualities to arouse interest or emotions, or with avatars that are aesthetically mediocre, but that manage to communicate something through the words of those who created them ?
As for me, I try to fill each of my paintings with something of my own, just as I fill my way of being with my soul.
Otherwise, both the former and the latter would simply be empty.