October 15, 2024 Artistic eroticism, Great Reset
Simply aberrant.
Aseptic future ?
Ian Yeoman, Michelle Mars. Robots, men and sex tourism (2011). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2011.11.004
“In 2050, Amsterdam’s red light district will all be about android prostitutes who are clean of sexual transmitted infections (STIs), not smuggled in from Eastern Europe and forced into slavery, the city council will have direct control over android sex workers controlling prices, hours of operations and sexual services.
This paper presents a futuristic scenario about sex tourism, discusses the drivers of change and the implications for the future.
The paper pushes plausibility to the limit as boundaries of science fiction and fact become blurred in the ever increasing world of technology, consumption and humanity, a paradigm known as liminality.”

An aseptic, not-too-distant future with “Blade Runner“-like scenarios, at least as far as paid sex is concerned.
That’s according to a study by researchers at New Zealand’s University of Wellington.
The paper, titled “Robots, Men and Sex Tourism“, predicts that in a few years, thanks to technological developments, closed houses will be set up where, instead of flesh-and-blood prostitutes, patrons will be able to entertain themselves with prostitute-robots.
This is what happened in Ridley Scott‘s famous movie, in which Pris (Daryl Hannah), one of the replicants hunted by Deckard (Harrison Ford), was precisely a “pleasure model” created for human entertainment.
The “innovation,” the New Zealand researchers write, would free humans from the moral problems often associated with frequenting prostitutes.
Well, clearly there are some in the world who would like to reduce us to mere puppets at their beck and call, incapable of doing anything independently.
To act, to do, to love, to make mistakes.
And even sin.
Simply deviate.