Antioxidants that fight graphene oxide

March 9, 2025 Graphene, That terrible virus never isolated

An important reminder : let us not dissipate the habits we have learned from our loved ones.

Veronica Baker

Antioxidants that fight graphene oxide

This post will discuss the main antioxidants that can be used as a preventive treatment to detoxify graphene oxide, which can be taken more or less accidentally by anyone, “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” included (PCR, toxic masks, 2019 flu vaccine, etc.).

Nobody (at least this is my personal opinion) wants to have such an aggressive poison like graphene oxide in their body.

Many readers have asked me about the use of antioxidants.

Thanks to the scientific literature reviewed in the previous articles, it is now known that any antioxidant substance, especially glutathione, can degrade graphene oxide to zero toxicity.

This has been demonstrated in several ways.

It has also been empirically demonstrated that it is possible to cure people who have developed their own magnetism or acquired it after an invasion of graphene oxide into their bodies through some kind of inoculation (vaccines, PCR tests, masks, sprays, etc.).

Antioxidants that fight graphene oxide
N-acetylcysteine causes the body to endogenously secrete glutathione…

In fact, there is no need to take any specific medication.
Just take supplements without any medical contraindications.
Of course, it is necessary to adhere to the doses recommended on the package insert.

Of course, since these are dietary supplements, no prescription is required.
However, it is always advisable to consult your doctor first, as everyone’s situation is different.
Okay ?

First, regardless of the brand, 750 mg of N-acetylcysteine is a reasonable dosage.
The most common dosage is 600 mg.
N-acetylcysteine enables the body to produce glutathione endogenously.

In my opinion, it is the most powerful antioxidant there is.
Just take one capsule in the morning as a preventative treatment.

Of course, people who suffer from a more serious disease must first consult their doctor and then possibly vary the dosage (hoping to find a general practitioner with common sense and, most importantly, not corrupt…).

Why take a capsule of N-acetylcysteine in the morning ?
The reason is simple.

After emptying the stomach (or fasting), anything that “enters” our bodies first is absorbed much more effectively.
This is a general rule in the use of all types of nutritional supplements.

In the treatment of graphene oxide poisoning, N-acetylcysteine is an indispensable element.

If someone does not want to (or cannot) take N-acetylcysteine, glutathione can be taken directly as an alternative.

In fact, N-acetylcysteine is preferable because it allows the body to secrete glutathione endogenously, just as it does for people who exercise vigorously.

Exercise produces endogenous glutathione.
It is also much safer because our body will use 100% of the glutathione.

This is the glutathione that is sold directly for oral consumption.
A tablet or capsule in the morning.

However, according to the scientific literature, the human body does not assimilate it very well.
Only 25% to 30% is assimilated, depending of course on the general condition of the individual and the gastric assimilation capacity.
So the dosage has to be higher (of course, always follow the directions in the package insert) to achieve the same effects as N-acetylcysteine.

However, it is good to always have glutathione on hand.
Why is that?

As we said yesterday, if we take N-acetylcysteine for a week, for example, it is good to change the type of supplement and replace it with glutathione, for example.
Okay ?

However, as I said, N-acetylcysteine is better because the body makes it endogenously.
Thus, optimal levels of glutathione are always maintained endogenously.

Antioxidants that fight graphene oxide
N-acetylcysteine and zinc are two antioxidants essential for the degradation of graphene oxide…Here is another important antioxidant.

The main one is N-acetyl cysteine, but also zinc.

Specifically, it is 25 mg.
You can also find it in 30 mg, 45 mg, and even 50 mg tablets (the one I personally have is only 50 mg).

Or you can just take 2 tablets of 25 mg.
This is a trace element introduced especially for athletes.

To be taken in the morning.
N-acetylcysteine and zinc are two antioxidants that are essential for the breakdown of graphene oxide.

With these two antioxidants, I have personally helped people with magnetism after a so-called “vaccination“.

For example, those who took two doses of the so-called “vaccine” and took these two antioxidants after two weeks had no more symptoms.
In other words, they were “cured” of graphene oxide poisoning.

Glutathione is definitely the most important antioxidant because of its high antioxidant and degradative capacity.
However, there are other very powerful antioxidants.

Second on the list is 5 mg of astaxanthin.
This is the usual recommended dosage.

It is a bit more expensive than other antioxidants (cost is about $25) and usually comes in packages of 30 capsules.
Many people who take this supplement report improved vision, among other benefits.

Astaxanthin can be taken with the other two antioxidants mentioned above, N-acetylcysteine and glutathione.
These are called essential antioxidants.

Astaxanthin is the substance that gives crustaceans and shellfish their typical orange color.
The so-called foods that the “inoculated” should absolutely not have consumed.

Meanwhile, the game has been discovered.

Astaxanthin is a substance usually extracted from algae.

Another very important antioxidant is quercetin.
Several studies have been done on quercetin.
It is a very good antioxidant that naturally helps to increase glutathione levels.

Another universal antioxidant, not as powerful as astaxanthin or quercetin, but very effective, is vitamin D, especially vitamin D3.

As with all antioxidants, take one tablet in the morning.
Better yet, get half an hour of sunlight in the morning (combined with physical activity such as running is best).

In the Nordic countries, where the sun is almost always absent, 80 percent of the population takes vitamin D3 supplements.
One tablet a day is sufficient.
It is important to always follow the package insert and never exceed the recommended dose.
Preferably always in the morning.

Another antioxidant – the greatest liver and stomach protector around – is milk thistle, which is also very effective.
As you can see, most of these supplements are derived from plants.

Finally, here we have a supplement with radioprotective properties.
By now you know why.


You see that ?
Pure melatonin.

This format is 1 mg.
Formats up to 1.9 mg are available.

Again, it is important to always follow the dosage recommended on the label.
Melatonin should be taken at night, right ?

Melatonin serves an important function by helping to regulate sleep cycles.
This is because electromagnetic fields inhibit the natural production of melatonin.
They prevent the body from producing it naturally.

This is why changes in sleep cycles occur.
Melatonin is a hormone involved in the regulation of these cycles.

With these supplements, you are making sure that you have a very high level of antioxidants.
Under normal conditions, they are usually high.

However, it is important to keep in mind that levels depend on variables such as age, exercise, and obesity.
For example, young people have very high levels of glutathione.

However, when there is a toxic substance in their body, they experience a particular form of fatigue.
This is a fatigue that people who have been “vaccinated” tend to experience.

Antioxidants that fight graphene oxide
Melatonin is a hormone involved in the regulation of sleep cycles…

This happens because there is already an internal struggle between the oxidative stress caused by the toxicant and the body’s reserves of glutathione and antioxidants.

Therefore, when the balance shifts in favor of the antioxidants, which counteract the toxic agent (graphene), the balance is restored.

The return to normal occurs within a few days:
Just as we noticed in those who received the “vaccine” injections and lost their magnetism.
This is the main point.

Well, I think that’s it.

At the moment, graphene oxide is causing damage.
But it is very little compared to what will happen in a few days when 5G technology is activated.

The bandwidth frequencies used will allow graphene oxide to greatly increase toxicity levels in the body.

Therefore, a rapid disruption of this balance and triggering an inflammatory syndrome, a collapse of the immune system and altered oxidative stress will very quickly, within hours, cause a cytokine storm, bilateral pneumonia and everything known as severe coronavirus syndrome.

All of this is normal after vaccination.
The magnetism actually moves from the arm to the head.

That’s it.
I hope this has helped you in some way.

Healthy Eating Mediterranean Diet

Antioxidants that fight graphene oxide
And be sure to walk, walk and walk again !

N-acetylcysteine and zinc are important antioxidants that can help fight graphene oxide poisoning.

Vitamin E, for example, not only acts as an antioxidant, but also helps our body prevent thrombus formation.

Unfortunately, we know that graphene oxide is a toxic agent with thrombogenic properties.

It is known to have caused the death of many people around the world.

But the most important thing is the daily diet.
It is important to have a healthy Mediterranean diet.

Our dear old Mediterranean diet, which is now mistreated by many, is the best to fight any kind of oxidant.

It is also part of our tradition and culture.
This is also an important reminder: let us not disperse the habits we have learned from our loved ones.

Mens sana in corpore sano.
And be sure to walk, walk and walk again !

Mangiare sano mangiare mediterraneo
Vitamin E has some properties to inhibit or reduce the body’s thrombogenic capacity, i.e. the formation of thrombi and clots…

Several readers have asked me why I have not mentioned vitamin E, which is obviously beneficial, vitamin K, or selenium.
These vitamins also have the ability to synthesize glutathione in the body.

If I have mentioned some supplements rather than others, it is because they have been scientifically proven to be effective in combating even very serious graphene oxide intoxications (such as the well-known phenomenon of the so-called “magnetic arm“).

Both vitamin K and vitamin E are very powerful antioxidants.
Astaxanthin is even more so.

However, vitamin E also has the ability to inhibit or reduce the body’s thrombogenic capacity, that is, the ability to form thrombi and clots.

These types of supplements are dietary supplements, so they can be purchased without a prescription.
Most of them are vitamins.

The only contraindication may be an overdose compared to the doses recommended in the package insert.

In any case, it is always necessary to consult a doctor who can assess the clinical condition and check for allergies to products or substances.

All of these supplements are readily available in both pharmacies and sports supplement stores.
This is normal because athletes consume zinc, magnesium and glutathione.

Of course, the most important thing is a balanced diet.
The Mediterranean diet is just the best example you can have.

The secret is to eat healthy.

Eliminate dairy or don’t abuse it.
Do not abuse carbohydrates.
You need to limit especially the “bad” carbohydrates like cookies and refined bread.
Limit coffee consumption.

However, I think this last information is well known to anyone who wants to eat a balanced diet and stay healthy.