December 16, 2024 Cat lovers
Animals cannot fight alone.
Animal Experimentation. They can’t fight alone

Over the years, farmers and scientists have demonstrated a frightening ability to find endless ways to inflict pain on the other creatures with whom we share our Mother Earth.
The barbarity of the Roman circus pales in comparison to the cruelty of the modern vivisection laboratory, slaughterhouse, or factory farm.
Fortunately, the days of slavery are over.
Women have finally achieved emancipation.
Apartheid in all its forms has been roundly condemned throughout the world.
However, animal abuse has actually increased over the years.
Animals cannot fight for themselves.
They need us to fight for them.
Introduction to animal experimentation
1. Every thirty seconds, vivisectors kill thousands of animals worldwide.
Cats, dogs, puppies, kittens, horses, sheep, rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, monkeys, and any other creature they can think of are used.
2. While waiting to be used as guinea pigs in laboratory experiments, animals are kept isolated in small cages.
Alone and frightened, they can hear the screams of other animals to be used in the experiments.
3. Some of these animals are pets that have been kidnapped or taken from the streets to be sold to vivisectors.
4. Animals used in experiments are blinded, burned, shot, injected, and dissected.
Their eyes are sewn shut and their limbs are broken.
Chemicals are injected into their brains and their screams of agony are recorded.
5. 75% of the experiments are done without anesthesia.
6. Most vivisectors have no medical or veterinary training.
7. “Scientists” claim that animals are not sentient beings and are therefore incapable of experiencing mental or physical pain.
Obviously, this claim is completely false.

8. By locking an animal in a cage, “scientists” have invalidated their “experiment” from the very beginning, because by altering the environment in which an animal normally lives, its vulnerability, habits, instincts, and self-healing ability are altered.
Therefore, experiments on caged animals have no scientific value.
9. Many of the diseases that kill or paralyze humans do not affect other members of the animal kingdom.
Therefore, it is impossible to use different species to test drug therapies for these diseases.
10. Doctors would never test a drug intended for the elderly (or vice versa) on children.
So why test drugs for pregnant women on rats?
No one would test a drug for premenstrual problems on young children, but it would make much more sense to test such a drug on male rats.
11. Drug testing on animals can produce dangerously unreliable and misleading information.
For example, thalidomide passed animal tests with flying colors before it was withdrawn from the market.
Penicillin and aspirin both kill cats.
Aspirin can be toxic to rats, mice, dogs, monkeys, and guinea pigs, as well as cats.
Morphine causes drowsiness in humans, but excites cats, goats, and horses.
Digitalis, one of the most effective and well-established drugs for the treatment of heart disease, is so toxic to animals that it would never have been approved for human use if we had relied on animal testing.
12. Vivisectors admit that most animal experiments are unreliable and produce results that are not relevant to human patients.
This means that all animal experiments are useless.
If you do not know which experiments you can rely on, you cannot rely on any of them.
13. Four out of ten patients who take a drug previously tested on animals are likely to suffer serious side effects in the future.
14. Eighty percent of physicians oppose vivisection primarily on scientific grounds.
Yet this sad practice continues unabated.