January 14, 2025 Artistic eroticism
The things that should be important in life are getting less and less time and attention.
An inexorable downward trend. It seems that people in Italy are making love less and less

It seems that people in Italy are making love less and less.
That is to say, Italians are having very little sex, well below the world average.
This downward trend has been going on for at least 30 years.
On the other hand, this does not surprise me at all, because I know the reason very well : it is neither work nor stress, but the Internet, which has obviously changed not only the way people communicate with each other, but also the way we spend our free time.
In the 1980s, the Internet was completely unknown, and even in 1990 it was hardly used.
Only since 2000 has it begun to grow exponentially, and today there are people who spend virtually all of their free time surfing the web.
There are even people who have built a real second life on the Web, which they consider real and live as if it were the only possible existence.
It is now well established that the Internet has reduced “real life” ; it has become almost normal for people to accept that they have much less time to devote to so-called “natural” pleasures.
In addition to the time spent on the Internet, there is the time needed for sleep, work, hobbies, sports, and eating.
The ever-increasing need to take time away from “natural” activities for the sake of productivity has, for example, already changed eating habits, introducing fast food, take-away food, and other forms of behavior in which eating, understood as pleasure, has gradually disappeared.
It is therefore not surprising that this inexorable process of “robotization” (or perhaps it would be more correct to speak of transhumanism ?) will one day almost completely eliminate the possibility (and perhaps even the desire) to make love, providing surrogates like so many that are already available.
Situations that may provoke “orgasms” but leave the same taste in the mouth as a Big Mac compared to a steak cooked over charcoal.
At this point, one would be tempted to say: let go of everything : computers, cell phones, Playstations and, in general, everything that takes away more and more from real life and replaces it with a cold virtuality.
We should finally reclaim the pleasures that life offers us and throw away the technology that is used not so much to facilitate our existence but as a “vice”, like an addictive drug.
Perhaps the reason we are making less and less love is that we are devoting less and less time and attention to what should really matter in life, putting artificial things ahead of what nature has given us to make us happy.
We often end up degrading not only the physical act to a simulated one, but also what used to be called feelings, which today increasingly take the form of cold words written on a PC or cell phone keyboard.
An inexorable downward trend that is now impossible to reverse.