October 4, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
It seems to me that the only way to age peacefully and with dignity is to engage in stimulating and, above all, enjoyable projects.
Age peacefully. Nothing works like it did when we were 20 years old

As we get older, we all lose some of our elasticity, strength, and stamina.
Nothing works like it did when we were 20 years old.
It is, of course, possible to improve most of the functions that are dysfunctional or no longer as efficient as they once were.
But this may require a considerable sacrifice in terms of time, suffering, and economic resources.
On the other hand, many people find it difficult to accept that as they age, their bodies no longer function as perfectly as they did when they were young.
Their lives are disrupted by the constant search for surgeries and new therapies, the daily battle against tooth decay, deafness, dyspepsia, asthenia, joint pain, back pain, palpitations, memory loss, poor circulation, leg ulcers, hair loss, hypertension, skin discoloration, and more.
Varicose veins can be treated, as can poorly functioning knees, elbows, shoulders and hips.
Millions of people see an optometrist every six months for an eye exam and a dentist every six months to check their teeth and gums.
They also have their colon, breasts and heart checked regularly.
The slightest abnormality is first thoroughly analyzed and then treated, also thoroughly, with side effects that very often require further examinations and other medical treatments.
Patients over 60 often take a dozen or more medications every day.
And perhaps not surprisingly, the suicide rate for people over 75 is higher than for any other age group.
All this emphasis on illness and treatment means that most seniors spend their days complaining about their own ailments, talking about those of friends, attending funerals, remembering those who are gone (and feeling good about being alive), and abandoning all their plans.
Because it becomes impossible to fit in hobbies and interests between all the appointments at the hospital and with doctors.
In my opinion, older people have the right to have much more leisure time and to age more peacefully.
As responsibilities and obligations diminish with age, it is time to be more resourceful and adventurous, to stop worrying about what others think, and to take on new challenges.
It seems to me that there is little point in being older if all you do is try to repair, restore, and delay an inevitable process.
Keeping busy with stimulating and, above all, fun projects seems to me to be the only way to grow old with dignity.
Retirement is, in fact, a completely artificial concept.
When pensions were invented in Germany in 1889, 70 was chosen as the official retirement age because that was the average age at which people died in the country.
And only if you do not fill your days with visits to the dentist, optician, physiotherapist, and so on, will you have time to devote to worthwhile projects and age peacefully.