October 18, 2024 Trading notes
Experiences in one’s own skin are always the most valuable.
A very hard business. It is not enough to read books and learn from the experiences of others

What does one do who speculates to pay for an urgent need ?
He gambles and pursues profit only.
He cannot afford to wait.
The market must agree with him immediately.
He sees a stock that nobody wanted at $12 or $14 rise to $30 – which is certainly the maximum – until it reaches $50.
That is the absolute end of the rise.
But then it goes to $60, to $70, to $75.
At that point it is a certainty that the stock cannot go any higher.
But it goes to $80 and then to $85.
At this point, he takes the easy way out: he stops thinking that there is a limit to the rise.
On the contrary trading is a very hard business.
Virtual games, exhibitions of abnormal profits by computer simulations are useless.
Sometimes virtual investors earn millions.
But only on paper.
It is not enough to read books and learn from the experience of others.
The most valuable experiences are always those made in your own skin.
What really distinguishes the real or true professional is the passion for the market – not for money or easy profit – that leads him to find the time and the way to discipline both his behavior and his character.
The professional seeks first to do the right thing, rather than focusing only on profit.
In addition to possessing fundamental qualities such as commitment, willingness, sacrifice, preparation, competition and the desire to excel.