November 17, 2024 Great Reset, Reflections of a heretic
I saw men with third grade degrees starting businesses and employing many people.
Then I saw tenured professors with three degrees and various specializations shutting down thousands of companies and starving millions of people.Social intelligence is not taught in college.
A now irreversible process. This is their fate

As for me, I have been fortunate to have been born with the wonderful gift of a thinking brain.
Throughout my life, I have also had the opportunity (and especially the will) to know, to travel, and to understand.
I have always followed my natural curiosity to understand the truth.
I have never believed the prepackaged versions of others.
And I have never succumbed to the indoctrination they have tried to instill in me throughout my studies.
Ever since I was little, I was never afraid to “challenge” my teachers.
I asked more and more pressing questions about the so-called “official narratives” of facts.
Sometimes, since my elementary school days, I went so far as to argue with all those teachers (the majority) who were unable to answer me because they obviously only knew how to indoctrinate their students.
All this made me lose their sympathy.
Out of spite, they would lower my grades for reasons that, frankly, speak for themselves :
“Possesses a tendency to act as a leader”
“She is intolerant of criticism, blame, and defeat”
“Her desire to stand out and her undeniable abilities alienate her from the sympathy of her classmates”
“She possesses a certain spirit of careerism that is not beneficial in her relationship with her classmates”
“She has participated in class life mainly to stand out, showing a certain tendency to excel, and this has prevented her from establishing peaceful relationships with her classmates and peers”
“An incurable careerist”
In short, Marxism in all its power.
On the other hand, many of these teachers were party members.
Therefore, they wanted to inculcate their beloved ideology into the school system from an early age :
According to a certain school of thought, students who work hard and get very high grades in school should be forced to “give up” part of the grade they have earned on merit.
This is to prevent those who do not work hard and study, but just sit in class, from being promoted without having done anything to deserve it, by taking advantage of the merit of those who do work hard and get high grades.In this way, those who do not work hard and just sit in class could be promoted without having done anything to deserve it.
When I was a student, I often found teachers using this “special” grading method.In fact, my grades were constantly lowered because I was too good compared to the rest of the class and my classmates might become “very jealous”.
This is their logic.They have always rewarded the lazy, the slackers, the corrupts, and the crashers.
But communists and Nazis are the same.
They have exactly the same historical and cultural matrix.
They are nothing but false opposites.
Verbania, Italy.
This is the situation of today’s school system, obviously worse than that of my time, which was already disastrous.
Poor schools, but above all poor children….
This shows what the school system is up to.
Today, children go to school only to be plagiarized and manipulated.
Total indoctrination.

Of course, all of this is illogical if you want to create a society that truly aspires to progress.
You cannot create a society of mindless characters who are only useful as idiots or as cheap slaves for a “superior” elite.
All this, however, led me down the path of my own destiny.
I soon learned to distrust everything that was told in “official” form, to look at it very critically, and finally not to accept all “homogenized” versions of history.
I found that all history, as well as contemporary events, is polluted by a “one-way” view that completely misrepresents reality.
Whether it is ancient history, contemporary history, or the reality of everyday life.
Unfortunately, people do not realize that the brainwashing they are subjected to on a daily basis is on a level they cannot even begin to imagine.
And it all starts in childhood.
Anyone who has had teaching experience and has critically evaluated the methods used has seen how schools now function exclusively to :
Teach only the essentials so that the population is exclusively productive;
Impose educational systems designed to standardize and conform the population, carefully avoiding the teaching of subjects that develop the ability to reason (dialectic, rhetoric, logic), that is, those subjects that develop critical and autonomous thinking;
Finally, it instills in young people the prejudices, preconceptions and stereotypes on which all their future experiences will be based.
The role of the school (which has the advantage of being able to act on children and young people who are more receptive to absorbing prejudices and stereotypes) is crucial.
The population will have to respond to certain pressures.
It is therefore necessary to know the patterns of behavior, the modes of communication and the motivations behind their actions.
This is a well-known teaching system.
A method that has always been used in all regimes.
No wonder, then, that now, having inculcated these concepts in the vast majority of the Western population since post-’68, the “conspiracy theorists” want to move on.
The children, now in the overwhelming majority of cases, are taking sides against their “backward” thinking parents, the real “old-timers”.
This is why we are witnessing the collapse of our Western society.
This way of thinking has always been a strategic tool of the “usual knowns”.
The latter, who now control almost the entire world of “correct” information, can finally reap the fruits of what they have “sown”.
After preparing the ground with schooling, comes mass media manipulation.
This tool is crucial because the mind, which tends to be lazy, is attracted to anything that does not require thinking.
In fact, of the 400 billion bits of information that the brain processes in a second, only 200 bits are processed.
In other words, we are only aware of half a billionth of what is going on in our brains.
Everything else we condition unconsciously.
The main techniques of media manipulation are :
Creating a credible message
Using the right language
Creating a variety of information sources
Creating “opinion leaders”
Using the mechanism of repetition
Operate debunking
Everything we are experiencing faithfully follows this very precise canvas.
And above all, all those who support it and continue to vote for whatever politician is running for election at this time (and this is true in virtually every country in the world) have not understood in the least that this is really the painstaking work that all these “conspirators” have been doing for the last 50 years.
The purpose is to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes and behavior of the masses.
To create frustration, insecurity, and above all fear in people, conditions that reduce a person to a state of submission and agitation.
In these situations, the ability to reason is dulled, and the emotional response to stimuli and situations becomes not only predictable but also “malleable.
It is therefore necessary to artificially create :
Unfair taxationGraft and corruption
Scarce law enforcement resourcesIncreased penalties
Scarce resources for basic needsRacial and religious intolerance
Lack of confidence in politicsLack of resources to support the economy
Acts of terrorism and human rights abuses
Having skillfully created these conditions, the dirty work can begin.
The primary tools of mental manipulation are the :
The entertainment industry
People, especially young people, have absolutely no idea what awaits them.
Misery and poverty.

They are idealists, that’s for sure.
But without a penny in their pockets.
It is sad to say.
But that is their destiny.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of people are really blind and do not see what is happening in front of their eyes.
In my opinion, the only thing to do is to write.
For people who have been brainwashed, I think it is only fair that they have the fate they have chosen for themselves.
Maybe one day they will realize that they have helped to create a most evil world.
But we cannot – and especially should not – do anything for them.
We can only think of ourselves.
Maybe some of them will wake up at the last moment.
But it is a waste of time to even try to dialog with neurally dead people.
Most of them will not realize what they have lost until it is too late.
By then the process is irreversible for them.
It seems that no one (especially young people) cares to dig deeper and understand.
They just look for a culprit to take out all their anger on.
And then broadcasts, insights, morbid details, intimate details.
For this reason, a question sometimes arises for me.
Should I cry for the sad end of all these “useful idiots” who can’t wait to be taken to the slaughterhouse ?
The words thrown to the wind made me realize how much the average person is no longer capable of the slightest rational thought.
And that they basically “deserve” to be enslaved.
Those who do not understand the meaning of this word simply want to be servants.
November 6, 2021

There are different types of “intelligence”.
The individual and the collective.
The unconscious that drives the survival instinct.
The conscious, which drives the ability to understand, learn, and judge.
And to distinguish right from wrong.
People are less lucid.
They are less awake than when they did not have everything they needed (or should have) to cultivate intelligence.
School accessible to all, abundance and immediacy of information, the Internet, technology that makes life easier.
In the past, you had to solve everything on your own.
You had to think and reason for yourself.
Today, society offers ready-made solutions, even for small everyday things.
Decisions have already been made, thoughts have already been processed, packaged and ready to use like cooked food.
Think of Google and its automatic correction of typed words.
Or the use of social networks, or Wikipedia and its “shared” knowledge project.
Or, even worse, online translators that correct mistakes and offer suggestions and translations.
These tools make it easier to understand a foreign text.
They free us from the need to know consecutio temporum and spelling.
They relieve us of any sense of responsibility.
But lead to dullness.