October 18, 2024 MacroEcoAnemia
A chronic inability of people to relate.
A chronic inability. A systemic crisis with no solution
We are experiencing a systemic crisis that has no solution :
The decline of manufacturing at the expense of services
Exponential growth of debtUnsustainable tax burden
Record unemploymentExcessive government regulations that not only castrate any possibility of doing business, but have in fact created a veritable state monopoly
Inflation that will soon become exponential
The collapse of the € (or the $, it makes no difference which comes first in the coming domino effect) and subsequently of all the world’s major currencies
Situations occurring simultaneously and resulting from a system that is now uncontrollable.

So it is absolutely useless to be too afraid of the future.
Or to think of finding a solution by changing a fate that is now sealed for everyone (starting with the USA).
But there is a positive side to this seemingly hopeless situation.
Those who have a good understanding of this situation (which has been in the making for at least twenty-five years) and are well aware of the simple concepts just expressed, will have the opportunity to create a small group (possibly consisting of good and trustworthy people) of personal growth.
In short, to limit the violent effects of the last leg of the crisis, everyone should recover the true meaning of sharing.
But this is not what all the hypocritical mass media are obsessively telling us.
In fact, the direction we are taking globally is (coincidentally) the opposite.
Simply put, a chronic inability of people to relate to each other.