December 23, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
I am not afraid of anyone’s judgment and have never hidden.
A bad temper ?

If having a bad temper means :
Always being truthful.
Standing up to bullying.
Making decisions that not everyone agrees with.
Having chosen friends.
Having enemies too.
Always take responsibility for your choices.
Always claim my dignity.
So yes, I admit that I have a bad temper.
In fact, no matter what I do in life, I always put my face on it, without resorting to falsehoods, tricks and deceptions of any kind, always playing my cards close to my chest, and above all, correctly and honestly.
I am not afraid of anyone’s judgment and have never hidden myself.
In short, I am an open person.
That is why I can go anywhere with my head held high.
No matter what anyone thinks of me.
I also believe that very few people can do this in practice.