September 25, 2024 Cat lovers
Cats are real little teachers.
9 life lessons from your cat. They are not just great “housemates”

Cats are mysterious, fascinating beings capable of communicating happiness, sadness or love with a simple gesture of their tails.
They can silently, almost by osmosis, lead you into meditation, help you think only of the present, and relieve your daily worries with their purring and soft paws on your chest.
There is no better remedy for sadness than the caress of a cat nuzzling your heart.
But kittens are not just great “housemates” or four-legged little angels.
They are also real little teachers of life.
Here are 9 important life lessons your kitty can teach you.
1. Respect yourself, you are a free being
A cat never respects an order, but chooses whether or not to follow the instructions that a human being proposes to him.
His every gesture or behavior expresses his intention at the precise moment he does it, which can obviously change from time to time.
His lesson ?
Your every gesture must reflect a conscious choice.
Choosing is synonymous with power.
To obey is a sign of submission.
2. Always take care of yourself
Cats spend most of their time meeting their basic needs, and this may be the secret of their beauty.
They eat when they are hungry, sleep when they are tired, exercise every day, and are great masters of elasticity.
What I have learned from them is that the well-being of our physique is a basic need that should always take precedence in our lives.
Everything else takes a back seat.
3. Trust only those who walk beside you
A kitten does not show loyalty to those who give it food just because it satisfies one of its needs.
It desires much more.
This does not mean it is not grateful.
But gratitude and trust are two very different concepts.
The cat teaches us that trust cannot be bought or given away.
It is a recognition that must be earned and, most importantly, is based on a relationship of respect and reciprocity.
4. Never lose your pinch of madness
Madness is the spice of life.
Adding a moment of joyful unpredictability to your life, every day, introduces a new key that opens you to curiosity, to the unexpected, frees you from routine, and significantly improves the quality of your life.
5. Be proud to be in the world
I think every cat realizes that it is a real gem.
She certainly does not hide her beauty.
Such nonchalant manifestation of his nature, showing himself in all his natural splendor, is a source of joy for anyone who shares daily life with a cat.
And you, too, can probably learn from him the lesson that true beauty can be an asset to the whole world around you.
6. If you don’t like it, leave it where it is
Life is too short (and too precious) to be raped by something you don’t like.
The world is full of alternatives, so you can choose what suits you best.
7. Dedicate some time to silence ; it is the high road to wisdom
If you have a cat, you may have noticed that when it contemplates silence, it seems as if time magically stops and it enters another reality where the mind is silent and you can know the Being.
This is the secret of deep meditation.
Your cat discovered it before you did.
8. Your instinct is precious, you must never lose it
A cat can live safely in an apartment for years, but it will never lose its instincts.
You, on the other hand, have probably domesticated yourself.
The cat teaches you that instinct is your point of contact with nature, and it is time to get in tune with your wildest soul.
To lose one’s natural nature is to lose one’s most precious treasure.
9. Always leave a door open (and take the time to decide whether to walk through it or give up)
There is nothing that cannot be changed, nothing final in the world.
So you can make your decisions and your life more calm and serene.
For in this world impermanence is sovereign.