September 25, 2024 Totalitarianism
In the name of personal security, people will give up all freedom at this point.
4 steps to totalitarianism. People will give up all freedom

The entire process consists of four steps.
The first step is to divide people into groups based on ethnicity, color, religion, political ideas (usually left versus right, using the well-known creation of false opposites).
This serves to divide a country so that one group eventually comes to fear the other.
All of this inevitably leads to the disintegration of society, pitting families against each other and breaking up sometimes lifelong friendships.
In the second step, the different groups begin to isolate themselves from each other.
More or less frequent mass protests in the streets begin.
An averagely violent phase.
This further contributes to the division of one group against the other.
In the third step, each group tends to create its own “safe zone”.
Basically a real ghetto where they can defend themselves.
They may be city against city, or even go so far as to become region against region.
The behavior of the people will typically tend toward these habits:
People arm themselves more and more to protect each other.
Trust in the police, now seen exclusively as a government force and therefore untrustworthy (if not outright enemies), collapses.
Each group tries to “clean up” – that is, physically eliminate – all members of the opposing group within its “safety zone.
The fourth (and final) step occurs when, by this time, people have come to fight real civil wars.
At this point, the tyrants will come to the rescue of the people with promises of peace.
In the name of personal security, people will give up all freedom at this point.