December 22, 2024 Reflections of a heretic
Everything else is just useless words and nothing more.
Will planet earth be populated by such people in 2050 ?
Or are we already experiencing this sad situation today ?

There used to be strange ideals.
People were completely crazy : they talked about sharing resources, solidarity, democracy, values.
Even someone lost his life fighting for these ideals.
Fortunately, today these obsolete values have disappeared from the globe, replaced by others closer to the true human nature : pettiness and selfishness.
Why waste precious time behind utopias, wasting existence chasing false myths that only lead to unhappiness, dissatisfaction, a sense of emptiness and uselessness ?
Humanity has understood this and has long since returned to caring only for itself.
This is true happiness.
Everything else is just useless words.
Today we only have to thank those who had the courage to propose and implement the Final Solution.
Everyone knew that too many people were occupying a living space that nature had designed for only a few.
The world’s population has always regulated its own growth through wars and the extermination of the weakest, the most useless, those who produce nothing but consume.